Google Ads PPC Campaigns are a great way to get your company noticed by the audience you are trying to reach and Google Ad Grants work within Google Ads to the benefit of non-profit organizations, whether large or small. Through a special dashboard, WSI will manage your campaign, so you always know what is happening. We will also help you apply for up to $10,000 per month of in-kind advertising for your Google Ad Grant campaign.
Google Ad Grants allow 5013c nonprofits some special benefits when running a Google Ads campaign. If a company qualifies, Google will pay a portion, up to $10,000 worth of in-kind digital advertising per month, of the costs for a Google Ads PPC campaign. WSI’s PPC specialists assist potentially qualifying companies in the application process and in determining the most effective strategies.
Google Ad Grants allow people who want to support the mission of your non profit with time and money learn about you. Getting your ads on the first page of Google will give you the exposure you need to reach your audience which may be otherwise impossible.
Some special limitations do exist and we will help you determine the best path for your campaign. Getting your ads on the first page of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) will give you the visibility you need to more quickly get your brand or program noticed.
If your company is a nonprofit, you could accomplish much by utilizing these available funds. Learn more about our paid search solutions using Google Grants. A Google Ads and Google Grants PPC specialist at WSI will help you set up a campaign that will increase visits to your site, and will effectively increase conversions through proper optimization. Contact us today to get your Google Grants campaign started!