Business-to-Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business, or B2B digital marketing strategy, focuses on developing a business-specific digital marketing strategy for businesses who sell to other companies versus consumers. VIEWS analyzes competitors, develops marketing blueprints, and implements unique digital marketing tactics to accomplish gaining new customers and business growth strategy.
We separate the digital marketing strategy into website tactics, marketing tactics, optimization tactics, digital advertising tactics, and conversion tactics. Here is an overview of a digital marketing strategy and the possible tactics for B2B digital marketing. Powerful online brand presence and reach are required for prospects to consider the B2B business an authority or center of influence in industry knowledge.
B2B businesses, like niche retail or professional service companies, do best when they define whom they are selling to, otherwise known as the buying personas and speak to those buyers. The sales cycle tends to take longer for B2B sales, so marketing automation and more frequent, targeted communications with prospects can help shorten the sales cycle.
In addition to our digital marketing services, we also offer free resources to help B2B businesses succeed. Our marketing guides cover a variety of topics, such as lead generation to competitor analysis to LinkedIn. If you are interested, click the links below, and you can download our free, in-depth resources and guides.
Website Tactics:
- Mobile Website
- Website Analysis
- Competitive Analysis
Marketing Tactics:
- Persona Research
- Email Marketing
- Marketing Automation/Inbound Digital Marketing
- Integrated Digital Marketing
Optimization Tactics:
- Content Marketing
- Directory Services
- Local/National/International SEO
- Video Optimization
Advertising Tactics:
- PPC Search Engine
- Remarketing Advertising
- Programmatic Advertising
Conversion Tactics:
- Chat Bots
- Reviews Reputation Management
- Call Tracking
- Website Conversion Optimization
- Animated Video
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will work for my business.