Build a Digital Marketing Blueprint for Success with VIEWS

A digital marketing blueprint can help your business succeed. Digital marketing covers a broad range of strategies , technologies, and specialties, all with unique processes and benefits. Small companies may lack the resources or experience needed to flesh out their marketing strategies fully, but just as blueprints are important for a building, a digital marketing strategy is a blueprint for the success of your business. VIEWS offers an individualized blueprint that you can follow to see positive results. Below we discuss what a blueprint includes, the benefits, and how we can implement it for you.
What Does A Digital Marketing Blueprint Include?
A digital marketing blueprint is an actionable plan outlining the processes and tasks needed to enhance the marketing efforts of your business. Blueprints typically include the high-level steps involved in developing the strategy and more specific duties. A key component of blueprints is that the blueprint is an actionable plan individualized for the specific business, rather than a general list of suggestions. The items and tasks included in the blueprint need to be actionable and concrete, giving both the company and the marketing team a plan for what needs to be done. Individualized items are necessary since each business’s situation is different.
When creating a blueprint, the main components included are the following:
- Objective: the goal of your overall digital marketing strategy. The aim should be concrete, specific, and realistic. Your goal should be achievable through actionable tasks.
- Approach: the approach of your blueprint should outline all parts of how you develop your marketing strategy, from analysis and evaluation to determining what keywords and content you want to emphasize.
- Process: this determines how you will communicate with your clients and what you will discuss with them.

What Are The Benefits Of A Digital Marketing Blueprint?
Digital marketing blueprints provide distinct benefits for your business. These benefits revolve around giving your company a clear marketing direction and having a list of concrete actions to take.
Guides You in a Strategic Marketing Direction
Digital marketing strategies and tactics are numerous, and deciding on a direction or focus can be complicated. Search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, social media, and inbound marketing are all examples of digital tactics. But depending on your circumstances, some options can be more valuable or practical than others. While developing a digital marketing blueprint, we will evaluate your business’ performance and goals, and help you understand each tactic’s importance so you can commit to a direction.
Reduces Redundancies
We will discuss what tools you have used in the past, and the results you achieved. We will inventory the tools you already possess and evaluate whether they are being used to their full potential. You want your marketing dollars to be spent wisely and to increase your return on the investments you have already made as well as those moving forward.
Outlines a Clear, Actionable Path to Success
Once the goals and direction have been agreed upon, the next step is to accomplish those goals. Plans are far more manageable when all parties involved understand the details and necessary actions. Tasks or steps that are both specific and actionable give your business a better view of how to reach your marketing goals. Ultimately, blueprints offer clarity and concreteness to your marketing efforts, making the path to success easier to travel.
How VIEWS Can Help You Build a Blueprint for Success
VIEWS Digital Marketing can help your business succeed through our digital marketing blueprint services. We aim to help businesses, from B2B to niche retail stores, succeed through digital marketing, and developing a blueprint is a critical step in that process. We take the time, using various tools and research, to evaluate how your company is performing against competitors in your industry. We may examine what top competitors are doing to excel in specific areas and we will compare how you are doing with the goals that you have. With this knowledge, we will determine what options will drive success for your company and lay out the specific steps that need to be taken to achieve that success. Our approach, experience, and knowledge have led to great success with our clients’ blueprints. As a result, we have found that most of the organizations for whom we created a blueprint for continued working with us in one capacity or another. If you want to grow your business and generate more leads, our blueprints are for you.
Our Experience
We have years of experience working with our clients and developing a blueprint for their businesses. Our blueprints evolved from our experiences working with small and medium-sized enterprises and analyzing the results of our marketing efforts. Many of the companies we have worked with wanted to leverage their internal resources to conduct their digital marketing campaigns themselves but struggled to know where to start. We recognized this need and now offer standalone blueprint services as a result.
We Can Do Some, or All, of the Work
One of the great things about working with VIEWS is that your business has control over how the work is split between you and us. You can find yourself lacking the resources to tackle all of the steps or actions in a blueprint. To make the work easier for you, we offer to handle most or all of the work we detail in our blueprints. We have plenty of experience, skills, and certifications in many digital marketing strategies and technologies. We even offer to train your team in certain digital marketing areas or technologies. A significant aspect of blueprints is making things easier for you, and flexible workload options are a natural part of that philosophy. And though you are under no obligation to work with us to implement your blueprint, if you do choose to do so, the cost of your blueprint will be credited toward your SEO plan implementation.
Contact VIEWS to Create Your Digital Marketing Blueprint
Digital marketing blueprints are essential to creating a thorough, well-thought-out, integrated marketing strategy. To begin developing that sound marketing strategy, reach out to VIEWS. Our digital marketing consultants have years of experience and a quality track record of generating leads for our clients. For more information about how we can help your business, contact us.