Marketing Automation for Small Business

What is Marketing Automation? Marketing Automation (MA) is the ultimate Lead Generation tool that pulls together Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM), Website visitor identification and tracking, email marketing, advertising campaigns, and sales processes into one manageable platform.
Have you considered adding marketing automation for your small business? Your business will benefit from marketing automation if it has:
a need to engage more with your clients
- a long buying cycle
- continuous or repeat customer interactions
Many marketing technology systems include multiple separate platforms such as email marketing platforms, customer relationship management systems, landing pages, forms, social media analytics, website analytics, web visitor forensics, and more. Marketing automation brings these efforts together so that your business has a total view of the actions your customers are taking on your website and social sites. These tools consolidate the activities to a single platform that is connected and seamless with a unified database and analytics.
Is Marketing Automation Right for Your Small Business?
The Results Are In! They show:
- Marketing automation drives more leads and even more importantly, more relevant leads.
- Marketing automation helps you send the right message at the right time to convert more leads to sales.
- Optimize your marketing spend and efforts with marketing automation to focus on the highest performing tactics.
With marketing automation, you can read the digital body language of your visitors, learn what products and services they are interested in, know when they visit and send automated responses almost as if you are guiding them through your sales funnel. Companies using Marketing Automation see a 53% increase in sales-ready leads.
Marketing Automation has been a secret sauce for enterprise-level companies. But every business, small, medium or large, can benefit from the valuable tools these systems provide. The company size, goals, and budget are the basis for creating marketing campaigns, and now even smaller companies can have the tools to be more efficient in these marketing and sales efforts.
How Can Marketing Automation Help you?
Are you still unsure if this is a marketing strategy that will bring you value or just the latest and shiniest new tool in the toolbox? Don’t worry; you are not alone! We did extensive research into the value of these products and the potential that it provides our customers. Here are just a few of the data points we found that Marketing Automation platforms address:
Marketing Automation drives 451% increase in qualified sales leads.
Over 90% of website visitors are unknown to you.
About 95-98% of website visitors don’t take action.
Only 27% of leads sent directly to sales are qualified.
Studies show that following up within the first hour of contact increases your likelihood of converting a prospect to a lead by 700%.
The average sales cycle has increased 22% over the past 5 years due to more decision makers getting involved in the buying process.
Only 3% of companies are currently using Marketing Automation (i.e., the big guys). That means there are a lot of opportunities for the mid-level and smaller companies.
The cost to implement and manage an MA program, which used to be prohibitive, is now manageable with the right platforms.
The Marketing Funnel
To market to a prospect, you have to first attract their attention. This can be done with search engine optimization, paid advertising, social media and non-digital means.
Once a client is attracted to your site, build relationships with prospects through email, chatbots, live chats, or messaging apps. These interactives are personal and relevant to the user. Then, CTAs, Forms, and Lead Flows capture the visitor’s information.
Once you have secured a prospect’s information, you are able to communicate and deliver the right information to the right person at the right time, every time. By creating memorable content your prospects will share with their friends and associates. With Marketing Automation, you can assign the leads to your sales team for personal connections with prospects.

Why Use Marketing Automation If You Already Have a CRM and Email Marketing System?
CRM Systems (Customer Relationship Management) are primarily organizational and productivity tools. MA adds to that organization and enhances communication with a whole suite of tools for generating and converting leads.
Email marketing programs send email based on the sender’s time schedule. MA sends mail based on the prospect’s activity allowing you to provide the right information at the right time when your user needs to know.
Analytics tell you how many people visit your site and your pages. MA tells you who they are and what they look at.
A full-featured and robust automated marketing platform is what your business needs in the complicated day-to-day digital marketing.
Marketing Automation Tools from VIEWS
VIEWS offers 10+ years marketing automation expertise, 5K+ successful implementations, and 1 M qualified leads generated. Our marketing automation team can provide hands-on technical skills, content creation, and creative expertise. Our engagement managers, strategy leads, project managers, implementation team, and HTML development team work together to ensure the success of your marketing automation strategy.
At VIEWS, we support all of the key marketing automation platforms, including SharpSpring, HubSpot, Pardot, and Marketo.
Marketing automation software from Sharpspring helps businesses identify prospects and drive customers down the sales pipeline, with tools like lead scoring and drip emails.
We are a SharpSpring Gold Level Certified Partner, and our digital marketing consultants have advanced marketing automation certifications in SharpSpring.
A digital inbound marketing and sales platform, Hubspot helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.
We are also a HubSpot Silver Agency Partner, and our consultants have personal HubSpot certifications.
Pardot B2B marketing automation by Salesforce helps marketers create more leads, generate more pipeline, and empower sales to close more deals.
Marketo’s powerful marketing automation software helps marketers master the art and science of digital marketing to engage customers and prospects.
Automated Marketing Solutions Tailored to Your Business Needs
Today’s marketers are jumping ship from email marketing to an automated marketing tool. The all-in-one marketing platform offers identification of new leads, send automated messages at the right time, and generates in-depth evaluation and reports of each of a business’ campaign. Thus, this new tool enables a marketer to monitor carefully where the leads came from and the leads’ flow to conversion.
By using an automated marketing tool, a business can leverage its powers to:
- Identify and improve existing digital and traditional marketing campaigns
- Maximize all the data results to the fullest and develop creative marketing ideas
- Learn more about the needs of your target audience by observing their behaviors.
- Provide lead nurturing throughout the prospect’s buying journey.
- Optimize and carefully monitor outsourced sales programs such as Pay-per-click, remarketing, and more.
If you want to learn more about marketing automation or would like to give your business a good investment in your marketing arsenal (such as local SEO, paid advertising, or a competitive analysis), feel free to contact us, and we’ll get back to you!