10 Commandments of Digital Media
When Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land and Freedom there were, no doubt, monumental behavioral issues to address. Since people are always people there were some I suspect who instantly sought power and became bullies. There were those who through lack of knowledge or years of following others were ill-prepared to make their own decisions and therefore bewildered, the became slaves to the first group. But there were also some who saw the opportunities and were willing to do what it took to survive and thrive in the long run.
Technological advancement in the last decade has also been a monumental cultural change that has changed forever the ways in which consumers behave: how they communicate, how they gather information, how they socialize and, naturally, how they shop.
In such an ever-changing environment, businesses are compelled to adopt new strategies to harness the benefits of new technology, and evolve with consumers changing needs. Adopting an integrated digital media program is no longer merely important, it is essential. Changes in digital media infrastructure and capabilities have been paradigm-shifting not only for consumers, but for those of us who wish to engage them – and depend on them.
So with that in mind and with so many businesses implementing Social Media policies and trying to figure out how to react to this new consumer behavior, I think benchmarking such an enduring instructional manual as that given to Moses is just the thing. This was published by JLL Retail and I thought it great food for thought!
The 10 Commandments of Digital Media
- Thou shalt remember your customers. The whole point of digital media is to actively engage consumers and give them what they need.
- Thou shalt integrate. Coordinate your different media tools so consumers can move seamlessly from one to the other.
- Thou shalt remain responsive. The two-way nature of today’s media requires a commitment to responding to consumers directly and in a timely manner.
- Thou shalt not stagnate. Technology is a dynamic tool and, to remain relevant, it is necessary to continually evolve with new developments in order to stay relevant.
- Thou shalt deliver value. Value takes the form of meaningful content, innovative ways to engage shoppers and promotions that really fulfill the needs of your target market.
- Thou shalt remember Justin Bieber. The power of digital media is evidenced in the success of this new teen icon. Make your growth organic.
- Thou shalt remain ethical. Do not post fake customer reviews or otherwise falsely misrepresent your brand. Consumers have a way of catching on.
- Thou shalt not fight fire with fire. While negative comments and responses are inevitable and responses are necessary, it is important to not escalate conflicts. Everyone will be watching how you respond.
- Thou shalt be smart. Smartphones are the immediate future. Engaging customers through this medium is essential for growth. Construct mobile sites and apps. Promote your local presence. Consumers will react.
- Thou shalt not panic. It is easy to feel overwhelmed in this uncharted territory but, remember, everyone else is learning too. Hire an expert to navigate you through your choices and processes and keep on top of – inescapable – new trends.